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Fear....Friend or Foe?

Rev. Ryan

Updated: Apr 28, 2023

Fear…..ah….the proverbial “dreaded” emotion. Recently I have begun to look at fear from a different perspective. This is not to say that I have it all figured out or have perfected this venture, but I have been exploring a new relationship with fear. And let me tell you….it has been mildly terrifying… Instead of something to be avoided, I have invited fear in….let it sit in my second favorite chair….and I have begun a conversation with it. Now this is not a 20 questions sort of interaction, but instead a gentle and inquisitive dialogue….the “get to know you” type. I think that we can all agree there is no shortage of things to be fearful of, from war to injustice, to fear of failure and “not being enough”. Fear knocks on all of our doors….it is a universal experience. Fear is an uncomfortable emotion, sometimes a result of real and present danger, and sometimes a result of the unknown or perceived loss of control. Whatever the source, fear becomes a tool to engaged with, just like all of our other emotions. It is a signal to exercise our superpower of curiosity, and then move in ways that support our best life. This is not always easy, in fact most of the time it is uncomfortable at best. I have found, however, what welcomes us on the other side is a greater awareness of ourselves and the newfound freedom that is experienced when we are able to move…not against fear…but with it.

Rev. Ryan

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