Personal Transformation Communal Evolution

Meet the
Soul Evolution Collaborative
Rev. Dan Granda (he/him) is dedicated to a graceful uncovering of the human soul, imagining a world where it is common and lovingly accepted to bare your soul openly for others to see. Devoted to studying the evolution of human collective awareness, Rev. Dan can regularly be heard speaking to this shift happening in our world, inviting individuals to embrace the responsibility we have to each other and the community around themselves.
Bringing his passion for life to all of his endeavors, Rev. Dan is driven to inspire others to find their purpose. It is his philosophy that better people make a better world. Rev. Dan is Co-Founder and Co-Director of the Soul Evolution Collaborative, a Centers for Spiritual Living Teaching Center, dedicated to fostering both personal transformation and communal evolution through an innovative “Bricks and Clicks” model.
Over the last 10+ years, Rev. Dan has been active in serving the Centers for Spiritual Living on both the local and organizational levels. Rev. Dan is a graduate of the Holmes Institute and School for Spiritual Leadership and a licensed minister with the Centers for Spiritual Living.
Rev. Ryan Alexander (they/them) is a graduate of Holmes Institute and co-founder of Soul Evolution Collaborative. Holding an undergraduate degree in Religion and Philosophy with a minor in Ethics, as well as a Master’s degree and clinical license in Social Work, Ryan brings both a spiritual and psychological understanding to ministry and program development. Their passion for the Science of Mind teaching informs both their clinical practice and ministry, with the intention of individual transformation and communal evolution.