Personal Transformation Communal Evolution

We are Soul Evolution Collaborative, a non-profit based in universal spiritual principles, offering possibilities for navigating the evolution of life in an authentic and intentional way.
There are lots of things in the world that are not working for a whole lot of people. So we are changing the norms.

The Soul Evolution Collaborative is an innovative “bricks and clicks” spiritual community dedicated to the intentional evolution and authenticity of the human soul.
We practice authentic and vulnerable spiritual awareness through individual and intentional self development. Personal transformation allows for
communal evolution and healthy responsibility for our collective consciousness that truly changes the world.
We are a unique hybrid that brings together both the online and in-person experience.
The Soul Evolution Collaborative is an innovative “bricks and clicks” spiritual collaborative dedicated to the intentional evolution and authenticity of the human soul. This is a safe place to belong and be seen.
The Soul Evolution Collaborative fosters both personal transformation and communal evolution. This dynamic collaborative of individuals comes together through a unique empowering model of spiritual collaboration and innovation. We seek to move beyond the boundaries of the past and spark the evolution of the soul through personal and interconnected spiritual practice. These practices are not stagnant or stationary, but instead are fluid and evolving, creating an atmosphere for lasting spiritual growth and awareness. This movement serves to uplift the consciousness of the individual, community, and the world beyond.
Each week the Soul Evolution Collaborative comes together to recognize the soul’s desire to be seen and evolve; to appreciate the value of being together in spiritual practice; to recognize the oneness and perfection in everyone and everything; to serve the spiritual needs of ourselves, of each other, and of the world by living a life based on the truths taught in many ancient wisdom teachings throughout the ages in the form of Science of Mind principles and beliefs. These beliefs teach oneness, love, compassion, and a divine path inward to find a power greater than ourselves.
Through clicks, individuals bring practical spirituality into their everyday life.
Through bricks, individuals thrive through essential connection and community.
Through a combination of both, individuals become an intentional spiritual community that transforms the world.
As a new model for spiritual collaborative community, everything starts with a click. Find the Soul Evolution Collaborative online and you have found a clear and obvious path to begin your own journey inward where you will discover a version of yourself you never knew. Online, the Soul Evolution Collaborative is an endless resource for videos, blogs, workshops, and go-at-your-own-pace instruction that will guide you to a new level of spiritual understanding and practical daily application.
But honestly, this is all just the beginning. The bricks side of the Soul Evolution Collaborative is where you will find like minded individuals who are just as dedicated to their spiritual journey as you are and who are also looking to share in this experience. Maslow says we will always feel incomplete without having a place to belong and to fully express ourselves. The Soul Evolution Collaborative is dedicated to fostering pop-up locations across the country wherever the community shows up. Whether it is a monthly online “meet and greet” or a weekly in-person gathering, these pop-ups are the crossroads between our personal relationships and our intentional relationship with something that is greater than we are. It is in this way that together, we evolve.
What makes The Soul Evolution Collaborative truly unique is the experience of combining bricks and clicks to form an intentional spiritual community of individuals equally as dedicated to their own spiritual growth as they are to evolving the collective consciousness of the world.
So What's Next?

Frequently Asked Questions
What Do We Believe at SEC?
Q: What do you believe?
A: At Soul Evolution Collaborative, we believe in universal spiritual principles that are grounded in the philosophy of Science of Mind, which is a panentheistic philosophy. We believe that all life is interconnected and that we are all part of a greater, infinite intelligence that we can tap into for guidance and support.
Q: What do you mean by universal spiritual principles?
A: Universal spiritual principles are basic truths that apply to all people, regardless of their religious or cultural background. They include concepts like love, compassion, forgiveness, gratitude, and self-awareness. At Soul Evolution Collaborative, we believe that these principles are essential for personal growth and spiritual development.
Q: What is Science of Mind?
A: Science of Mind is a spiritual philosophy that invites us to recognize the connectedness between all things. That we are a part of all of life. It also suggests that we perceive life based on our thoughts, beliefs, habits, patterns, emotions, feelings, history, and experience. When we become aware of these parts of ourselves along with our connection to the rest of it all, we then have the ability to influence a different experience of life, individually changing our own perception and collectively creating a world that works.
Q: What is panentheism?
A: Panentheism is the belief that whatever created "all of this" (gestures vaguely at surroundings) is both immanent in the world and transcendent beyond it. It sees the universe as a manifestation of the divine, while also recognizing that there is more to whatever "it" is than the physical universe. At Soul Evolution Collaborative, we believe that everything is interconnected and that there is a divine presence in all things.
Q: What is the goal of spiritual practice at Soul Evolution Collaborative?
A: The goal of spiritual practice at Soul Evolution Collaborative is to become familiar enough with yourself that you can intentionally live in alignment with your values and universal spiritual principles.
Q: What is the role of community in spiritual practice?
A: Community is an important aspect of spiritual practice at Soul Evolution Collaborative. We believe that we can learn from and support each other on our spiritual journeys, and that we are stronger together than we are alone. We encourage collaborators (you) to participate in community events, workshops, and classes to deepen their spiritual practice and connection with others.
Q: How can I learn more about Soul Evolution Collaborative and its beliefs?
A: You can learn more about Soul Evolution Collaborative by engaging with content on the SEC website, attending events, and signing up for workshops and classes. We are always happy to answer questions and engage in meaningful conversations about spirituality and personal growth.
What Do We Do at SEC?
Q: What is Soul Evolution Collaborative?
A: Soul Evolution Collaborative is a spiritual community of like-minded individuals who are interested in personal growth, spiritual development, and consciousness expansion. It is a space for people to learn, connect, share ideas, and support each other on their spiritual journey.
Q: Is Soul Evolution Collaborative a non-profit.
A: Yes, Soul Evolution Collaborative, Inc. is a non-profit in the state of Florida and a part of the 501(c)3 of Centers for Spiritual Living located in Golden, CO.
Q: How do I become a member of Soul Evolution Collaborative?
A: We don’t really look at membership like your typical spiritual community might. Anyone can be a collaborator at SEC. Everything is available to you, no matter your level of involvement. We do have a level of membership for legal purposes that is responsible for the oversight of the organization.
Q: What kind of events does Soul Evolution Collaborative organize?
A: Soul Evolution Collaborative organizes a variety of events, including workshops, webinars, summits, online classes, and group spiritual practices. These events are designed to help members deepen their spiritual practice, learn new skills, and connect with like-minded individuals.
Q: How can I contribute to Soul Evolution Collaborative?
A: There are many ways you can contribute to Soul Evolution Collaborative, such as participating in monthly or weekly events; Engaging in content on the website, such as work-at-your-own-pace mini-series or evergreen classes; Like, share, and comment on social media, including Youtube, Facebook, and Instagram; Reading the blog; Watching or listening to our weekly podcast, "The In-Between: Where shift Happens;" and of course supporting financially is always appreciated. You can make a financial gift through the “Donate” link in the menu of the SEC website.