Personal Transformation Communal Evolution

Socially Engaged Conversations | Capitalism, Friend or Foe?
Fri, Jan 06
Socially Engaged Conversations intentionally bridges the "us v. them" divide by making it OK to have those conversations that we've been told we can't. It's an opportunity to show up just as we are, with a mindset of "listening to understand" and a desire to apply what we learn to our lives.

Time & Location
Jan 06, 2023, 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM
About the Event
When we look at the world it is easy to see conflict and division. What if that didn’t have to be?
What if we are being called to pack away the “us vs. them” mentality and instead embrace the transformative power of the “we”?
Socially Engaged Conversations creates an opportunity to show up just as we are, with a mindset of “listening to understand” and a desire to apply what we learn to our lives in practical ways.
Together we can build a world that works.
In this event, you, along with all other participants, will be invited to share your perspective and experience with the topic at hand. Facilitators will assist in navigating the many perspectives present as we all practice listening beyond what seems like our differences.